On this page, you can define an Odoo hosting type that fits best for your company and calculate an approximate Odoo hosting price.

You can read a detailed overview of Odoo hosting options in this article:
Differences between Odoo Online, Odoo SH, and Odoo On-Premises

Odoo hosting type definer

Use this form to define the best Odoo hosting type for your business. Note that this Odoo hosting type definer only provides general advice. Consult with your Odoo partner to make the final decision. 

Odoo hosting price chart

Use this chart to define an approximate pricing for Odoo hosting based on the number of users and hosting type.

Odoo hosting price spreadsheet

Additionally, you can review key points regarding Odoo hosting prices in the spreadsheet below. It outlines hosting prices based on the number of users (left column) and hosting types (Odoo.sh, Odoo.sh dedicated, On-premises), including cases with 2 or 5 staging environments (SE).

usersOdoo.shOdoo.sh dedicatedOn-premises
2 SE5 SE2 SE5 SE2 SE5 SE
Please note that this graph and spreadsheet provide only a rough estimation for basic understanding. Ensure that you double-check the prices on official pages (such as Odoo Online pricing, Odoo.sh pricing) and consult with your Odoo partner.

Still not sure about the best Odoo hosting type for your company?